Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Xtext in the web

Based on Orion & Xtext we are now able to provide rich-featured DSL editors for the browser. The editors not only support the basic features known from Orion's JavaScript editor but also come with some additional goodies :
  •     Lexical and semantic highlighting
  •     ContentAssist
  •     Hover
  •     Formatting
  •     Organize Imports
  •     Validation

We were even able to integrate fun stuff, like compiling & executing Xtend code on the fly. I've recorded a screencast to show off what's already working.
Please contact us if you are interested in this.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Really small and easy to use EMF Generator

Today I started a really small and easy to use project to generate the EMF Code out of a GenModel. https://github.com/holgerschill/EMF-Generator

There are several different implementations to generate Code out of a EMF GenModel out there. Some of them are easy to use and others not but in all cases you have to use a headless eclipse or workflow written in some other framework. Running EMF generator on a buildserver is also possible with EMF2Java task so why do we need another tools for that.

The answer is easy. This generator doesn't deal with a headless eclipse. There is no need to have an eclipse installed. This generator doesn't use ANT or what else. It is really lightweight and only two parameters are needed.

# java -jar generator.jar /PATH/TO/WORKSPACE URI_TO_GENMODEL

That's all. You could even use a platform:/resource URI because the platformURI mapping is done for you.